
Autohotkey 官网下载速度较慢,此文列出 Autohotkey 相关资源镜像下载地址。

Autohotkey 在使用正则处理文档、机械化操作方面具有很大优势。这里放出我使用正则来处理离线网页文档并从中抓取信息生成特定 sql 语句的示例。

脚本名称:    ibt
脚本编码:    UTF-8(with BOM)
脚本说明:    处理文档数据
脚本版本:    v1.0
脚本作者:    飞扬网络工作室 (fysoft)
交流Q群:    260655062
运行环境:    Windows 10(64bit) + AutoHotkey(L) v1.1.22.07,其它相异于此运行环境的,请自行测试脚本兼容性问题
版权申明:    仅供学习与演示
备注信息:    暂无

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

n := 1
Loop, Files, %A_ScriptDir%\html\*.html
    Filepath = %A_LoopFileFullPath%
    Filename = %A_LoopFileName%
    slug := RTrim(Filename, ".html")
    ;MsgBox, %slug%
    FileRead, html, *P65001 %Filepath%
    ;MsgBox, %html%
    RegExMatch(html, "imsS)<blockquote>(.*)</blockquote>", _c)
    RegExMatch(html, "imsS)<ul type=circle>(.*)</ul>", _w)
    StringReplace, _c, _c, `r`n, \r\n, All
    StringReplace, _c, _c, `t, %A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%, All
    StringReplace, _c, _c, ', \', All
    StringReplace, _w, _w, `r`n, \r\n, All
    StringReplace, _w, _w, `t, %A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%, All
    StringReplace, _w, _w, ', \', All
    StringReplace, _w, _w, `", \", All
    ;MsgBox, %_w%
tplt = 
INSERT INTO ``ibt_unit`` VALUES ('#no', '#slug', '#slug', 'Unit #slug', '#contents', '#words', '#time', '#time');

    StringReplace, _str, tplt, #no, %n%, All
    StringReplace, _str, _str, #slug, %slug%, All
    StringReplace, _str, _str, #contents, %_c%, All
    StringReplace, _str, _str, #words, %_w%, All
    now_time = %A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD%%A_Space%%A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec%
    StringReplace, _str, _str, #time, %now_time%, All
    ;MsgBox, %_str%
    FileAppend, %_str%, sql.txt, UTF-8

标签:autohotkey, ahkscript